I Tromsø fredag 4. desember:
Gaza internasjonale dokumentarfilmfestival
Gaza internasjonale dokumentarfilmfestival arrangeres i Gaza og bl.a. i Tromsø, Fokus sal 5, fredag 4. desember 18.00 - 21.00.
Det vil bli vist 6 kortfilmer fra Palestina, og filmene vil bli vist i Gaza omtrent samtidig. Siden Gaza er under blokade, kan ikke de invitere gjester til sin internasjonale dokumentarfilmfestival. Derfor sender de filmene ut til sine vennskapsbyer slik at de kan vise dem. Dette vil bli en fantastisk dag, både for de i Gaza som ser at mennesker bryr seg, men også for oss som er så heldige og får se filmene. Dette er noe vi anbefaler alle å stille opp på, barn som voksen. Festivalen er gratis.
Gaza Internasjonale Dokumentarfilmfestival (GIDFF)
Dette er den første festivalen av dette slag på Gazastripen. Filmene vil ta opp alvorlige temaer som fokuserer på de palestinske forholdene og Jerusalem.
Festivalen vil være veldig viktig for palestinere fra Gaza fordi den:
1. Fokuserer på okkupasjonen og lidelsene til det palestinske folk som står opp mot okkupasjonen.
2. Oppmuntrer internasjonale filmskapere til å produsere dokumentarer om Palestina.
3. Bryter blokaden av Gaza ved å vise filmen til andre land.
For å lage denne festivalen internasjonal, arbeider de med å få sendt filmene til mange festivaler og byer rundt om i verden, for eksemper skal "New Orleans Middle East Film Festival" representere dette i USA. Vi er så heldige å få dette til Tromsø fordi vi er vennskapsby med Gaza.
NUFF IN GAZA (no information)
THE SHIP by Ashraf Al Mashharawi.
Peace activists decided to sail into Gaza in order to break down the unjust Israeli siege and deliver much needed humanitarian supplies. In August 2008 Paul Larudy and Greta Berlin along with their friends from California based Free Gaza Society started a campaign two year ago aimed at penetrating the illegal siege through legal means. The film documents the journey of the heroes who sailed across the sea in Freedom boats.
ONE OF by Emad Badwan.
One Of reveals the shooting of an emergency medical worker on January 7th, during the period which Israel declared a "cease-fire" period. The medics were subject to no less than 15 shots while they attempted to evacuate the body of a man already sniped by Israeli soldiers. One Of poses the question: how would you feel if your loved one died because ambulances were prevented from reaching the wounded.
25 KM by Nahhed Awad.
25 Kilometers is a journey through the checkpoints and rocky roads of the West Bank. Starting in Ramallah, where the filmmaker lives and works, this short film documents her attempt to reach her family's home in Beit Sahour (near Bethlehem). Inside the West Bank, Palestinians spend considerable time either being forced to avoid checkpoints or to wait in line. Over time these checkpoints have became a part of the daily routine of thousands. This routine in itself gives rise to some unexpected practices some people try to joke about the checkpoints, others feel powerless and even convince themselves that this is part of a "normal" life. Having had the privilege to leave Palestine from time to time, the filmmaker came to believe that one of the worst things that could happen to her is getting used to checkpoints, for this would signal giving up hope for a normal life and a future.
ARTHUR BALFOUR AND ME by Charlotte Cornic
What links Arthur J Balfour, the British Politician born in 1848 on a sumptuous family estate in East Lothian and Fatima, a young Palestinian woman, born in 1971 in a refugee camp in Lebanon and now seeking asylum in Glasgow? From the narrow alley ways of a refugee camp in Lebanon to the beautiful farming landscape of East Lothian in Scotland, "Arthur Balfour and Me" is a visual and emotional journey through history and the present, a personal story about how one politician's actions continue to affect the life of a young woman from the Middle East.
HANDFUL OF EARTH (no information)